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Proposal & Bid Notice Details:



Project Specs:

Notice ID #: 8255

Bid Date: 09/15/2023

Type Of Notice: Request for Qualifications
Location: CO: Colorado Springs


Contact: See Notice Summary for details on how to respond to this notice.

Notice Summary:




U.S. EPA Brownfield Grant Applications and Implementation Assistance


RFQ Release Date: August 16, 2023

Proposal Due Date: September 15, 2023



1.1          Purpose of this Request for Qualifications/Proposals


Mt. Carmel Wellness & Community Center (“Mt. Carmel”) through this Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP), is seeking a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) to provide assistance with: (a) managing United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and potentially securing other federal or state grants for the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfields property located at the former Holy Trinity Convent and School, 237 Church Street, Trinidad, Colorado 81082, and (b) implementation of environmental assessment, remedial planning, community outreach, and other environmental or planning components of grants for which funding is secured.  The focus for the contract will be for managing one or more U.S. EPA cleanup grants as part of the U.S. EPA’s annual Brownfields Grant Competition for FY2023/2024 and/or FY2025.  This solicitation is being issued in part to comply with federal procurement standards outlined in 40 CFR § 31.36 that are applicable to the hiring of consulting firms (QEPs) to assist communities with grants awarded by U.S. EPA.


1.2         Background Information


“Brownfields” are defined by U.S. EPA as real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.


The objective of the U.S. EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant is the cleanup and revitalization of the former Holy Trinity Convent and School, 237 Church Street, Trinidad, Colorado 81082.  The successful QEP will bring experience and insight to a partnership with Mt. Carmel to obtain and implement these grants and explore other grants and brownfields initiatives as funds become available.


1.3          Type of Contract and Contract Term


Mt. Carmel will award a contract to a QEP to serve as a partner in achieving the goals of the successful and effective implementation of the resulting grant(s), subject to the requirements of an approved U.S. EPA Cooperative Agreement (CA) to be completed following an award.  The contract period will begin with the start of grant activities and continue through the subsequent implementation period for any successful grants.  The contract period may be amended or extended to accommodate the terms and conditions of the said agreement provided a market survey conducted by Mt. Carmel indicates that the prices proposed are reasonable.  The QEP will assume responsibility for all contracted services, including services provided by subcontractors, if any.


1.4          Payment Procedures


Payments for grant preparation services and implementation of any successful grants will be made no more than monthly for work specified and completed and following the budget developed and approved by Mt. Carmel and the EPA.




2.1         Activities Required Under this Request for Qualifications


The scope of work to be performed by the successful QEP, at a minimum is expected to include:


  • Aid with development of U.S. EPA-required project work plan.
  • Assist with preparing bid documents to hire an abatement contractor and oversee the contractor to ensure state requirements have been met.
  • Prepare and keep schedules and budgets for assessment or cleanup activities.
  • Assist with adding quarterly reports and accomplishment information into the Assessment, Cleanup and Revitalization Exchange System (ACRES).
  • Conduct and oversee site assessment studies and prepare appropriate technical reports required by the U.S. EPA and/or the State of Colorado EPA in print and electronic format.
  • Field investigations, including sample collection and lab analysis.
  • Interviews with neighboring property owners.
  • Evaluation of cleanup options and risk assessment analysis and costs.
  • Preparation of a written Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) in compliance with U.S. EPA regulations.
  • Completed Phase I and Phase II ESA reports, site investigation reports, response action plans and other environmental reports or plans required under the applicable Colorado environmental regulations.
  • Project management, implementation, and/or technical oversight.
  • Professional advice on environmental issues associated with land reuse/redevelopment.
  • Supply regulatory and financial information as needed.
  • Attend meetings of Mt. Carmel and advisory committees as asked.
  • Prepare presentations to provide information about the project’s progress as requested.
  • Assist with conductance of community-wide inventory of potential hazardous substances and petroleum brownfields sites.
  • Develop preliminary budget, financing options and implementation plan for cleanup/reuse.
  • Complete contaminant characterization and risk assessments as found necessary following Phase II activities (as funds allow).
  • Involve public and private opportunities for citizen participation throughout all phases of projects.


2.2         Project Budget


Mt. Carmel and the successful QEP will develop budgets for cleanup activities as the project progresses.  The budget for any future related grants executed under this contract will be negotiated with the QEP if such funding becomes available. 


2.3         Project Management


The successful QEP, with the advice of Mt. Carmel, will:


1 Partner with Mt. Carmel in writing the text for any grant application.

2. Facilitate community outreach activities as needed to enhance the grant application.

3. Coordinate any necessary activities with U.S. EPA Region 8 staff for U.S. EPA grant(s).




3.1          General Expectations


QEPs are asked to submit concise proposals describing their: (1) demonstrated experience in addressing contaminated properties, (2) demonstrated experience in successfully completing tasks/projects, (3) demonstrated experience in effectively engaging with community members, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and federal and state agencies, (4) experience and capacity of key project team/personnel, (5) reasonableness of fee schedule/rates, and (5) references.  The proposals should include a clear outline of the QEP’s ability to meet the requirements of assisting fully and effectively with implementation of grant(s) secured.  Any clarification needed or other questions regarding this proposal shall be submitted in writing or via email to the contact person below and clarification and/or answers will be provided within six (6) business days.


Tim Lamb

Mt. Carmel Wellness and Community Center

1212 Motor City Drive

Colorado Springs, CO  80905


3.2       Proposals


Proposals should be prepared on standard size paper and limited to ten (10) single-sided pages, exclusive of a maximum of five (5) references, limited to two (2) pages each.  Standard advertising brochures should not be included in the proposal.  The proposal shall include the following information in the order presented below:


                Business Organization.  This section shall include the QEP’s name, areas of expertise, a brief history of the firm, size, office locations, and business addresses.  The name, address, and telephone number of a contact person and/or prospective project manager regarding the proposal shall be included.


Management Outline and Project Approach.  A description of the project and how the QEP will work to implement said brownfields grant.  This section shall include the applicant’s approach to grant review, community outreach activities, planning, organization, and management.  Each QEP shall provide a list of proposed key personnel.


              Experience and Capabilities.  The relevant management and technical experience and capabilities of the consulting firm shall be defined with respect to the following activities related to implementation of any successful grants.


                                A.   Project Experience of Key Personnel:


  • Conducting environmental investigations and cleanups.
  • Project experience in implementing U.S. EPA grant-funded projects performed on behalf of local units of government and 501(c)(3) organizations.
  • Development/redevelopment experience.
  • Redevelopment planning and community involvement activities related to brownfields properties.
  • Performance of environmental inventories utilizing GIS in conjunction with U.S. EPA brownfields grants.
  • Other areas of expertise relevant to the project (optional).


                                B.   Regulatory and Scientific/Technical Knowledge:


  • Knowledge and expertise of federal and state environmental statutes or associated regulations.
  • Knowledge and expertise of EPA environmental and other federal laws and regulations.
  • Knowledge and expertise of OSHA and other health and safety rules or requirements.
  • Individual staff knowledge and technical experience relating to ESAs, brownfields projects and contaminated site remediation.


                                C.   Cost


The QEP shall provide a current fee schedule, including staff that would be involved in the grant implementation, in which prices shall be fixed for a period of not less than 12 months, an estimate of the total hours to be required and subsequent total cost.


All representative project descriptions provided shall include the project's location, the name and phone number of a knowledgeable contact person, and other pertinent information.  Mt. Carmel may contact said persons to check on past performance records.


The selected QEP will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal, including any services provided by subcontractors.  Further, Mt. Carmel will consider the QEP the contact point for contractual matters, including payment of all charges resulting from the contract.  The QEP is responsible for adherence by the subcontractors to all provisions of the contract.


3.3   General Process


Mt. Carmel will review and evaluate the proposals according to the guidelines set forth in section 3.1 above, General Expectations, with particular attention being given to the QEP’s reasonableness of costs and demonstrated effectiveness in working with a rural local government and federal and state agencies.  A fair amount of deference will be provided to proposals that demonstrate effective use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.  Mt. Carmel reserves the right to accept or reject proposals on any basis it deems appropriate.


3.4   Terms and Conditions


The process of selecting organizations to provide consultation services for Mt. Carmel’s benefit requires the accumulation of comprehensive and accurate information to ensure that a knowledgeable, objective decision can be made as well as compliance with federal procurement standards outlined in 40 CFR § 31.36 for the implementation of this proposal.


Mt. Carmel reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals or portions thereof without stated cause.  Mt. Carmel reserves the right to reissue any RFQ or cancel the RFQ if none of the proposals are deemed satisfactory to Mt. Carmel.


Upon selection of a finalist, Mt. Carmel shall attempt to negotiate and reach a final agreement with the finalist.  If Mt. Carmel, for any reason, is unable to reach a final agreement with this finalist, Mt. Carmel then reserves the right to reject such finalist and negotiate a final agreement with another finalist who has the next most viable proposal.  Mt. Carmel may also elect to reject all proposals and reissue a new RFQ.


Clarification of proposals: Mt. Carmel reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a proposal or obtain additional information.  Any request for clarification or other correspondence related to the RFQ shall be in writing or email, and a response shall be provided within six (6) business days.


In the event only one (1) qualifying proposal is received and accepted, profit share will be negotiated as a separate element of the contract price as required by 2 CFR 200.324(b).


Mt. Carmel is not bound to accept the proposal with the lowest cost but may accept the proposal that demonstrates the best ability to meet the needs of the project and the community.  Mt. Carmel reserves the right to waive any formalities, defects, or irregularities in any proposal, response, and/or submittal where the acceptance, rejection, or waiving of such is in the best interests of the identified property for the Brownfield grant and Mt. Carmel.  Mt. Carmel reserves the right to disqualify any proposal, before or after opening, upon evidence of collusion, intent to defraud, or any other illegal practice on the part of the proposer.


3.5   Proposal Time Schedule


The timeline for completion of this request for proposals is outlined below:


                August 16, 2023                                 Formal announcement date for RFQ

                September 15, 2023                         Deadline for submittal of proposals

                September 25, 2023                         Proposal evaluation is completed (anticipated)

                October 2, 2023                          Contract inception date (anticipated) (Actual date will depend on                                                                                approval by Mt. Carmel.)






3.6   Notification of Award


Mt. Carmel plans to select a QEP by approximately September 25, 2023.  Should either party fail to execute a contract within 30 days of notification of award, Mt. Carmel reserves the right to rescind the award and select services from another interested firm.


3.7   Number of Proposals to Submit; Deadline, Mail and Hand-Delivery Addresses


One (1) original and three (3) copies of the proposal must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. MST on September 15, 2023.


The mailing and hand-delivery address is:


Tim Lamb

Mt. Carmel Wellness and Community Center

1212 Motor City Drive

Colorado Springs, CO  80905


3.8   Late Proposals


Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.




4.1   Contracting with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises


It is U.S. EPA policy to award a fair share of contracts to disadvantaged business firms.  Accordingly, affirmative steps must be taken to ensure that disadvantaged businesses are utilized when possible as sources of supplies, equipment, and services.  Mt. Carmel will ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that the U.S. EPA “fair share” objectives for prime contacts and subcontracts are made available to organizations owned or controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, women, and historically black colleges and universities.  The QEP shall agree to support the U.S. EPA’s disadvantaged business enterprise contract procurement program ensuring these businesses’ participation in subcontracts.


Affirmative steps include the following as a minimum:


1. Including qualified disadvantaged businesses on solicitation lists.

2. Ensuring that disadvantaged businesses are solicited whenever they are potential sources.

3. When economically feasible, dividing total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities to permit disadvantaged business participation.

4. Where the requirement permits, establishing delivery schedules which will encourage participation by disadvantaged businesses.

5. Using the services and assistance of the Small Business Administration, the Office of Minority Business Enterprise of the Department of Commerce, and the Community Services Administration as required.

6. Consulting firms are encouraged to procure goods and services from disadvantaged businesses.


4.2         Equal Employment Opportunity


The QEP agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, resolutions, ordinances, rules, regulations, and executive orders pertaining to unlawful discrimination on account of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status regarding public assistance, sexual preference, disability, or age.  When required by law or requested by Mt. Carmel, the QEP’s proposal shall provide a written affirmative action plan.

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