Notice is hereby given that the Procurement Services Department, General Services Building, First Floor, of the San Diego Unified Port District will receive electronic bids at 1400 Tidelands Avenue, National City, California, until 2:00 P.M. on the 11th day of October 2023 for:
Specification No. 2022-01R - Drawing No. TA-2022-01
Scope of Work:
The Storage Tank Demolition and Storm Water Improvements at TAMT project is to demolish and remove of three welded steel storage tanks and associated tank piping and foundations. The project is located near the Crosby Road entrance to the TAMT at the southern end of the Port of San Diego's property. The three welded steel storage tanks were originally furnished and installed for the Pacific Molasses Company and were abandoned for more than 30 years. Each welded steel storage tank is essentially identical and has a nominal diameter of 73-feet, nominal height of 32-feet, nominal capacity of 23,800 barrels. They held liquid commodities like molasses and palm oil. The work will also include the demolition of perimeter containment wall; site piping and utilities, and electrical system; salvaging of steel material, lead-containing materials abatement, relocation of electrical transformer, conduit and electrical improvements, storm water and storm drain improvements, stormwater quality improvements, grading and reinforced Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement, curb, and bollards.
The total contract duration is 180 Calendar days. The Engineer's Construction estimate for this work is $3,033,089 .00
The bidder must possess a valid California State General Engineering Contractors (A) License with Hazardous Substance Removal Certification at the time the contract is submitted.
Bids will be opened in public at or about that hour at 1400 Tidelands Ave., National City, California, all as more particularly contained in Document No. 75817 on file in the Office of the District Clerk of the Port. No Bidder may withdraw a bid after the date set for bid opening.
Plans and specifications are available for download on the Port of San Diego website, For assistance in downloading these documents feel free to contact the Procurement Services Department at 619-686-6392.
Bidders must register as a vendor at the following website in order to download specification, Bid Proposal Package, plans, and prospective bidders list, and to receive addendums and notifications when issued:
Bidder shall submit their original Bid Proposal Package to the Procurement Services Department, 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101 within the date stated on the Contract Documents page after electronic bidding (See Section 4.0, Instruction to Bidders).
A pre-bid conference will be conducted at 9:00 a.m. on August 31, 2023, VIRTUALLY ONLY. This meeting can be accessed by dialing (619) 535-7686, and using Conference ID: 402 023 196# or by using the following link: Click here to join the meeting (See Bid information tab on eBid site for URL, if needed). The Port's representative will be present at the pre-bid conference. At the end of the conference, interested parties may visit the job site or, if indicated in the Supplementary Requirements, make an appointment to visit the site.
Site Visit . The District will conduct a site visit on September 13, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. The site visit is anticipated to take up to one (1) hour. The meeting location for the site visit is the entrance to the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal located at 1800 Crosby Rd, San Diego, California 92101.
If you plan on attending the site visit, you must RSVP. We ask that your company RSVP for no more than (2) representatives. To RSVP, please submit your information using the following: RSVP must be completed no later than September 11, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. A valid government issued identification will be required to attend the site visit. Those in possession of a valid TWIC card are requested to bring that as well. The site visit is not mandatory; however, all prospective Proposers are encouraged to attend. Submission of a Bid Proposal Package shall be evidence that the bidder has visited the jobsite and is satisfied with the conditions to be encountered if awarded the contract.
No questions will be addressed during the virtual pre-bid meeting or the Site Visit. Questions or comments regarding this specification must be submitted electronically to our eBid system where the specification was downloaded and must be received by the Port no later than September 27, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. Questions received after the date stated here will not be accepted. Emails and faxes will not be accepted. Responses from the Port will be communicated via the electronic eBid system to all recipients of this specification.
In accordance with the provisions of the California State Labor Code, the Port has obtained the general prevailing rate of wages (which rate includes employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes) applicable to the work to be done, for straight time, overtime, Saturday, Sunday and holiday work. All labor employed on this project shall be paid no less than such minimum rates of wages. These wage rates are available for inspection at the office of the Procurement Services Department of the Port of San Diego.
It is the policy of the Port of San Diego that certified Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of District Contracts. Certified SBEs with qualifying experience are encouraged to respond to the request for bids.
Award of the contract, if made, will be within 120 calendar days after bid opening date. A bid guarantee in accordance with Subsection 5.6.2 of the General Condition is required with submission of a bid. No Bidder may withdraw a bid after the date set for bid opening.
Bidder shall file the bonds as required by the Contract and Civil Code section 9554. The provisions of Public Contract Code section 22300 apply to this Contract.
Bidders are hereby notified that the successful Bidder will be required to provide insurance in accordance with Subsection 5.6.1, “Contractor's Insurance,” of the Section 5.0, General Condition.
A Notification Regarding Environmental Conditions has been included as Exhibit A in the project specifications. This notification will serve as the District's disclosure regarding potential hazardous materials that may be encountered during grading, excavation, trenching, and/or other ground penetration.
In the public interest, the District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informality in a bid.
DATE: August 21, 2023
Spec. No. 2022-01R
Advertised: August 24, 2023