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Proposal & Bid Notice Details:



Project Specs:

Notice ID #: 8421

Bid Date: 11/17/2023

Type Of Notice: Invitation to Bid
Location: CA: Sacramento

Valuation($): $5,000,000.00


Contact: See Notice Summary for details on how to respond to this notice.

Notice Summary:

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Department of General Services (DGS)

Real Estate Services Division (RESD)

Project Management and Development Branch (PMDB)


                                         DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES

                                                   NORTHERN, SOUTHERN, & COASTAL CALIFORNIA



The Department of General Services, Real Estate Services Division, Project Management and Development Branch is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from Civil Engineering firms, pursuant to Government Code §4525 et. seq.




This solicitation is to establish retainer agreements with qualified firms to be used on as-needed basis by PMDB. Successful firms may be awarded multi-year $5,000,000.00 agreements, up to five (5) years, on a fixed rate basis. Task orders for the retainer agreement for specific projects will be prepared on an as needed basis. The scope of services and total fee for individual task orders will be negotiated utilizing the rates specified in the retainer agreement. The State does not guarantee any task orders will be made under the agreements during the contract period to the selected firms(s).




The successful firm shall provide Electrical Engineering services as required for projects within the State of California. The Real Estate Services Division has divided the State of California into three geographic regions, Northern California, Southern California, and Coastal California and will issue a separate contract for each region. See Attachment A – California Regional Map for the geographic areas covered by each region.


The selected firm shall provide field investigations and designs (studies, plans and specifications) pertaining, but not be limited to,


  • overhead and underground primary and secondary electrical distribution
  • UPS and emergency power systems
  • street and area lighting
  • building electrical systems which include lighting, power systems, heating and ventilating controls
  • building management systems (BMS)
  • intercom, public address and security systems
  • fire and life safety systems
  • telephone and data communication systems
  • photo voltaic systems
  • electric vehicle charging stations


The responsible party shall be licensed to practice in the State of California (CA) and all work shall be performed under and approved by a licensed design professional which meet the requirements of Government Code Section 4529.5 for management and supervision of work performed on State construction projects.  All design work shall be performed under and be approved by an architect or engineer licensed in the State of California.


Related services may include, but not be limited to, providing hazardous material assessments, surveys, reports, abatement design plans/specifications, cost estimates and air monitoring associated with the above work.  Consultants work may also require the participation of other engineering related disciplines such as architecture, civil, mechanical, and structural.


Task Orders to the Retainer Agreement Contract for specific projects will be prepared on an as needed basis. The scope of services and total fee for individual Task Orders will be negotiated utilizing the rates specified in the Retainer Agreement. 


The Real Estate Services Division (RESD), Project Management and Development Branch (PMDB) has divided the State of California into three geographic regions, (1) Northern California, (2) Southern California and (3) Coastal California and will issue separate contracts for each region. See Attachment A – California Regional Map for the geographic areas covered by each region.


Contractors will be selected based on written responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and an oral interview.




Firms that are interested in providing professional services for this contracting opportunity shall submit the following information in 8.5” x 11” format (11-point font or greater) with each of the numbered sections collated in a separate tab. Firms shall ensure that their written responses indicate how they meet the Selection Criteria in Section V below.


Submit two (2) hard copies of the following, and one (1) electronic copy as detailed below:


1. Letter of interest that includes the Federal Identification Number (FEIN) of the firm, the region(s) of interest, and the person authorized to negotiate and sign all agreements.


2. Executive Summary (2 pages maximum).


3. Federal Form SF330 (“Architect-Engineer Qualifications”) Parts I & II for your firm, and Federal Form SF330 Part II for any proposed sub-contractors. The current revision of these forms is available on the GSA Webpage for SF330.


a. For each resume, firms may supplement the Form 330 (no more than one supplemental page per person) with further information on each individual’s proposed project assignment and responsibilities, their specific professional experience related to this assignment, and their current work assignment(s) and projected completion dates.


4. Written statement of the firm’s qualifications that is responsive to the selection criteria below. Firms shall respond in writing indicating how they believe their qualifications fulfill the requirements of these criteria. Firms must respond to each numbered criterion with complete and organized responses.


5. Additional Required Documents


a. Current Statement of Information (can be obtained on the California Secretary of State’s website). If operating under a fictitious business name, provide all supporting documentation (i.e. fictitious business name statement certified by the appropriate county clerk).


b. Verification of California license for Architects and Professional Engineers (can be obtained on the Department of Consumer Affairs website).


c. If applicable, proof of current certification from the DGS Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS). This information can be obtained DGS Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services website.


d. Completed and signed California Civil Rights Laws Attachment, available on the website link to the Civil Rights Laws Attachment Form


e. Proof of current registration with the California Department of Industrial Relations as a Public Works Contractor for the firm submitting SOQ, and subs. Website link to the DIR Contractor Registration Search.


f. Darfur Contracting Act Certification. Website link to the Darfur Contracting Act Certification Form.


g. Iran Contracting Act Certification. Website link to the Iran Contracting Certification Form.


h. The Bidder’s Declaration Form (GSPD-05-105). This form documents subcontracted services. The Website link to the GSPD-05-105 Form.


The State encourages Small Businesses and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises participation.

To locate certified firms for subcontracting purposes, start on Cal eProcure. Website link to CaleProcure. Click on “Small Business / Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise,” then “Search for Certified SB/DVBE Firms.” In the Certification Type, select any combination of Micro Business (MB), Small Business (SB), or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE).

Additionally, there are fields that allow for a narrowing of the search. In the UNSPSC Classifications field, a search can be conducted in which the words “architectural” or “engineering” are used. If, for example, the UNSPSC Classification for Architectural Engineering (81101508) is selected, in addition to Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE), Service Area (County) Sacramento (34), a number of DVBE certified firms that associate with the Architectural Engineering category are shown.

If you feel your company or your subcontractor qualifies as either, visit the website link to DGS SB & DVBE for more information or call OSDS at (916) 375-4940 for further information.

Please note that no preference in the qualifications category can be given to Small Business firms under the contracting law set up for professional services contracts (Architectural, Engineering, Environmental Services, etc.). Procedures shall assure maximum participation of small business firms, as defined by the Director of General Services pursuant to Government Code Section 14837.



Hard Copy Submittal Deadline: Friday, November 17th, 2023, at 5:00 P.M.


Address for Submission:        

Department of General Services

Real Estate Services Division,

Project Management & Development Branch

Attn.: Jessica Leach-Simon, Contracts Analyst, and Nora Sandstedt, Contracts Technician

707 3rd Street, 4th Floor

West Sacramento, CA 95605


Within 24 hours of submission of SOQ to the State, one electronic copy shall be uploaded by the submitting firm to the following DGS site: Electronic copy shall be identical to the hard copy submitted, in PDF format.


Facsimile or e-mail submittals will not be considered.




Submitted SOQ packages will be evaluated on the six (6) areas listed below.


1.            Experience of Firm

Professional experience of the firm.

  • List each person with their role for all staff identified as a part of this proposal.
  • Experience of subcontractors in relation to the work performed.
  • Nature and quality of completed work.


2.            Experience of Principals

Professional experience and licenses of the principals to be assigned to the project.

  • List the Principals to be assigned to and involved with the project.


3.            Experience of Key Personnel

Professional experience and training of key personnel, including both design and field personnel.

  • List staffs experience, education, licensing, certification, and training.


 4.            Problem Solving

Demonstrated ability to provide creative and innovative solutions to solve design and engineering problems, including unexpected problems, via examples of past projects.


5.            Public Works

SOQs demonstrate capabilities and examples of successfully supporting public works bidding and construction management support services.


6.            Estimating, Scheduling and Phasing

Demonstrated expertise and experience in cost estimating, scheduling and phasing.


Firms SOQ will respond in writing showcasing how their experience fulfills the requirements of the above criteria.




Firms will be selected on the basis of written responses to this RFQ and an oral interview.


Submittals will be evaluated and scored based upon the above selection criteria for those firms who have complied with the minimum qualification requirements.


Typically, three firms with the highest scores will be selected for the “short list.” These firms will be invited for an interview and asked to make an oral presentation on their firm and its qualifications and experience.


Upon completion of all interviews, a single firm will be selected for each region. Regions are identified in Attachment A to this RFQ. The selected firms will be asked to submit a fee proposal specifying the hourly rates for specific classifications of employees, subcontractors, and/or services to be provided. The State and each firm will enter into negotiations to create fixed rates. In the event that a satisfactory agreement cannot be negotiated, the State will terminate negotiations with that firm and begin negotiations with the next ranked firm, and so on, in that region. After successful negotiations, a contract will be awarded and executed. The State does not guarantee the amount of services being requested from each firm, and may utilize services from firms in other regions on an as needed basis (example: if a firm is unavailable to provide the work or the State and the firm cannot agree on a per project costing).


The State reserves the right to terminate the selection proceedings at any time.


Ten percent (10%) percent retention will be held for all progress payments made to consultant. When the estimated amount to be retained exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), and the retention continues for a period of 60 days beyond the completion of phased services, upon written request and at the expense of the consultant, the State will pay the retentions earned directly to a state or federally chartered bank in this state, as the escrow agent. Website link to Public Contract Code § 6106.5. Visit the website link for Public Contract Code § 6106.5 (e) for further requirements pertaining to sub-consultants.







Following successful negotiations and contract award with firm, in order to authorize work under the retainer agreement, a task order shall be issued and signed by both parties. Task orders shall be utilized to authorize work under the retainer agreement so long as (i) the task order does not exceed the scope of work set forth in the retainer agreement, and (ii) the task order does not amend any terms of the retainer agreement.


Task orders shall only be issued during the first thirty-six (36) months of the term of the retainer agreement as defined in Section 2 of the Std. 213. The first thirty-six (36) months of the agreement will be referred to as “phase 1 - active phase”.  During the last twenty-four (24) months of the term of this agreement as defined in Section 2 of the Std. 213, only work authorized under task orders issued during Phase 1-Active Phase will be completed.


The last twenty-four (24) months of this agreement shall be referred to as “phase 2 - completion phase” At the sole discretion of the State, a task order may be issued during phase 2 - completion phase to the extent necessary to complete work authorized during phase 1 - active phase.


a.    Task Order Issuance:


1. Work pursuant to the retainer agreement will be authorized utilizing task orders.

2. After work to be performed under the retainer agreement is identified, a task order will be prepared. The task order will identify the scope of services, project deliverables, budget and project schedule. The task order shall designate a DGS Project Director or Manager.

3. Task orders shall be negotiated for a firm fixed price based on the rates identified in the executed retainer agreement.

4. Contractor will not commence work pursuant to a task order prior to receipt of an executed task order.

5. Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for any work prior to the receipt of an executed task order.

6. Work authorized pursuant to a task order shall be completed in accordance with the schedule identified in the task order.

7. The total amount payable by DGS for work authorized shall not exceed the amount agreed to in the task order.




It is understood and agreed that $5,000,000.00, unless amended, is the total amount that may be authorized pursuant to the retainer agreement, and that the actual amount of work requested by the State may be less. The State provides no guarantee, as to the actual dollar amount that will be authorized under the retainer agreement. In no event shall task orders, be issued that will exceed the maximum agreement amount.


  IX.        Labor Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement Program - Contractor Registration


Pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5, contractors must register with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) as a public works contractor to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal or engage in the performance of any public works contract. The application also provides agencies that administer public works programs with a searchable database of qualified contractors. Application and renewal are completed online DIR Contractor Registration Info Page. The current annual fee can be located on the DIR website. The registration period coincides with the fiscal year.


Firms submitting Statements of Qualification must list their Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registration number, as well as the DIR registration number for each listed subcontractor. Which subcontractor is assigned to each registration number must be clear. If a coverage determination has been provided by DIR, the coverage determination letter may be submitted in lieu of a DIR registration number.


All A&E contractors and subcontractors shall be required to comply with the monitoring and enforcement program, including, but not limited to, contractor registration, submittal of electronic certified payroll reports (eCPRs) directly to the DIR as applicable and cooperation with on-site monitoring by DIR personnel if the work performed is covered by prevailing wage laws. Not all work performed by an A&E Firm, or its subcontractors, are covered by prevailing wage laws. Refer to Labor Code § 1771.4 et seq. and the website link to the Prevailing Wage Requirements.


    X.        Prevailing Wages


Pursuant to Labor Code Section § 1774, the contractor and any subcontractors, regardless of tier, shall pay not less than the specified prevailing wage rates to all workers employed in the execution of the agreement. Website link the Labor Code Section § 1774.


Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the Department of General Services, which shall be made available to all interested parties. Additionally, these prevailing wage rates are available on the DIR website. Website link to the DIR Prevailing Wage Determination page.


This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.



Firms submitting an SOQ must be advised of Executive Order N-6-22 Russia Sanctions. On March 4, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order (EO) N-6-22 regarding Economic Sanctions against Russia and Russian entities and individuals. “Economic Sanctions” refers to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, as well as any sanctions imposed under state law. By submitting a SOQ, the submitting firm represents that it is not a target of Economic Sanctions. Should the State determine the submitter is a target of Economic Sanctions or is conducting prohibited transactions with sanctioned individuals or entities, that shall be grounds for rejection of the Bidder’s SOQ any time prior to contract execution, or, if determined after contract execution, shall be grounds for termination by the State.   




All technical questions should be directed to Joe Flores, Capital Outlay Program Manager, at (916) 201-3666, or


All questions regarding the submission of SOQs should be directed to Jessica Leach-Simon, Contracts Analyst, at You may also contact Nora Sandstedt, Contracts Technician, at




Retainer Services Contract Regions


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