We are contacting your office for the solicitation of MBE/WBE/SBE participation in regard to the City of Columbus, Ohio (Mainline Lining – James Livingston 5 Blueprint Area, Contract No. 650875-120210).
Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Columbus via Bid Express. The bid date is October 16, 2024. Contract documents are on file and available for viewing at www.bidexpress.com.
We will be utilizing qualified subcontractors to assist us with the portions of the contract that cover the following items: televise and clean sewer lines, bypass pumping, lateral reinstatement, clearing and grubbing, tree removal, fence removal, seeding/mulching, traffic maintenance, cementitious grouting, point repairs, manhole replacement/rehabilitation, lateral lining, clean/televise lateral lining, pressure testing, chimney seals, backfill gravel, any project restoration. If your company is interested in submitting a bid, please contact Chris Kahler or myself at the following, to provide information or to answer any questions:
Please include your certification and a copy of your State operations license and pertinent ID number(s). Please include any pertinent information that is needed for the submittals on the project. Please call as- soon-as possible, if interested, to allow Granite ample time to submit our bid with the needed information. We look forward to working with you on this project.