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Proposal & Bid Notice Details:



Project Specs:

Notice ID #: 9162

Bid Date: 10/17/2024

Type Of Notice: Invitation to Bid
Location: CT: Norwalk


Contact: See Notice Summary for details on how to respond to this notice.

Notice Summary:

Legal Notice


A.P. Construction Company

RE:Meadow Gardens Brownfield – Abatement & Demolition – Norwalk NRDA 19RG

c/o: Lisa Endo

Vice President of Development Meadow Gardens Housing

49 Meadow Street,

Norwalk, CT 06854




Notice is hereby given that sealed bids by which the A.P. Construction Company on behalf of the owner Sound Communites, Inc., State of Connecticut

Department of Economic and Community Development, Construction Consulting Group, and the City of Norwalk will contract for


Meadow Gardens Brownfield – Abatement & Demolition – Norwalk NRDA 19RG


will be received in the 707 Summer St. 5th Floor, Stamford, CT until:

1:00 pm, October 17,2024 as determined by the clock.



Bids will be opened publicly, and results will be read outloud

at the 3001 Summer St. Stamford, CT (conference center) at 1:00 PM

Bids opening viewing will also be available via ZOOM webinar at 1:00 PM

A voluntary pre-bid meeting between prospective bidders, the A.P. Construction Company (Construction Manager at Risk) and the Architect will convene at the site of Meadow Gardens Brownfield

located at 49 Meadow Street, Norwalk CT 06854 on OCTOBER 1, 2024 at 1:00 pm, when project details will be discussed.


A bid bond for five percent (5%) of the base bid cost is required and must accompany each proposal for contracts exceeding $50,000.

Bids must be held firm for one hundred twenty (120) days beyond the bid opening date.


The successful bidder must file a one hundred percent (100%) Performance Bond for any contracts exceeding $50,000 The successful bidder must file a one hundred percent (100%) Labor & Materials Bond any contracts exceeding $100,000 and a Certificate of Insurance to provide and maintain insurance coverage for the entire duration of the project as noted.

Coverage must be provided minimally for dollar limits as stated, and for all parties required to be named as additionally insured, including Owner (SC), A.P. Construction (CMR), Amenta Emma (Architect),

City of Norwalk and State of Connecticut with A.P. Construction (CMR) within ten (10) days of notice of bid award.

Bidders/Contractors will be required to provide State of CT DAS Prequalification certification for any bid package over $500,000 Prevailing wage rates included based on Connecticut Department of Labor Wage and Workplace Standards rates ID# 23-48056 and comply with

Section 8 of the DECD guidelines. Rates to be maintained through completion of the project.

Plans, Specifications, and Addenda for this project will be available online on building connected and dodge construction network website reference: Norwalk NRDA 19RG

 Meadow Gardens Brownfield - Abatement&Demo

Once on the website, reference Solicitation Attachments Mandatory Documents in the navigation at the bottom of the page to view open bids.

Printed drawings and specifications will not be offered for sale for this project.


A.P. Construction and SC reserves the right to reject any or all bids, any part thereof, waive

defects in same, or accept any proposal deemed to be in the CMR's and Owner's best interest. Award of all bids shall be in accordance with Sections 18 of CT DECD guidelines


Bidders’ attention is called to the requirement of Connecticut General Statute 4a-60g (set aside for small contractors and minority business enterprises). Contractors must provide proof of participation in CHRO goal for set-aside business for each trade of 25% SBE and 6.25% MBE/WBE participation.


All SBE, MBE, WBE, DBE, Disabled Owned, Veteran Owned, Section 3 and other set aside Business Enterprises, contractors and vendors who are certified by the State of Connecticut are STRONGLY encouraged to apply and to submit a bid.


A.P. Construction & Subcontractors to comply with CHRO (Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunities) and DECD (State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development ) and City of Norwalk procurement requirements.


All questions and requests for information must be submitted in writing to Paul Shamas at A.P. Construction at by 5 P.M., in the local time in which the bid is to be conducted,

by OCTOBER 10, 2024. The final Addendum will be issued by 5 P.M. in the local time in which the bid is being conducted on October 14, 2024

To View Full scope of work please visit: 


 Meadow Gardens Brownfield - Abatement&Demo

An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority/ Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.

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