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Proposal & Bid Notice Details:



Project Specs:

Notice ID #: 9218

Bid Date: 10/30/2024

Type Of Notice: Invitation to Bid
Location: NC: Wilson

Contact: See Notice Summary for details on how to respond to this notice.

Notice Summary:


County of Wilson
Finance Department
2201 Miller Road South
Wilson, NC 27893


Wilson County invites qualified vendors to submit Bids for the Elevated Water Storage Tank project. This project involves the overcoating and recoating of two (2) 250,000-gallon water storage tanks. Bidders must provide all requested information relating to experience, cost, equipment, and any relevant project documentation. Bidders must meet at least the minimum qualifications to be considered a responsive Bidder. Wilson County will accept Bid packages if all items are provided, and the Bid package is complete. Failure to submit all the required items may result in disqualification.

The contract term shall not be for more than three years, including all extensions and renewals, without prior approval. The determination will be based on whether the longer period would be advantageous to the state. All requests for extended contract terms must be submitted for approval.

Bids for this Project will be received by:

Angel Landrau
Wilson County
Finance Department
2201 Miller Road South
Wilson, NC 27893


To be considered all Bids must be submitted by Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30 p.m. EST. No Bids will be accepted after the deadline. All Bids must be submitted sealed and in paper form.

Timeline/Due Dates

Bid Package Issued

Wednesday, October 23

Preproposal Conference


Deadline to Submit Questions

Friday, October 25 at 5:30 p.m. EST

Bid Deadline

Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30 p.m. EST

Questions and Clarifications

All questions and requests for clarification concerning this Bid should be directed in writing to: No verbal responses will be given. Questions must be submitted by
Friday, October 25 at 5:30 p.m. EST.

License Requirements

Contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper license under North Carolina State laws governing their respective trades and North Carolina General Statute 87 will be observed in receiving and awarding contracts.

Submission of Bids

Bids shall be made only on the format requested herein with the Bid amount properly submitted and all signatures properly executed.

Package Scope Summary

The Contractor will be responsible for overcoating and/or recoating the exterior and interior of two

(2) 250,000-gallon elevated water storage tanks. Tanks will need to be disinfected to address corrosion adhesion problems. In addition to the coating, some tanks may require a pressure relief system to be added. This project is critical to preventing rust and corrosion, which jeopardizes tank integrity and water quality. The overcoat and/or recoating process will prevent rust for the next 10 years approximately, improving water quality and public health outcomes.


The scope of work may also include the following:

  • Washout
  • The Contractor will be responsible for pressure washing interior and exterior to remove sediment from tank. Dispose of sediment on site and in approved tank drain.
  • Observation
  • Provide report summarizing visual observation with photo documentation that includes recommendation for future tank work.
  • Disinfection
  • Disinfect interior and exterior surfaces. Tank Locations
  • Hwy 42 Tank
  • 42 East, Elm City, North Carolina 27822
  • Boswellville Tank
  • 4662 Boswellville Road, Lucama, North Carolina 27851


Bid Requirements

When submitting a Bid include all items below:

  • Cover Letter

The cover letter shall provide the name, address, and telephone number. The cover letter will summarize the project and approach to performing the services. Not to exceed one page.

  • Qualifications

The Bidder should include a general organizational background and history of the company. Describe how long the company has been providing the required services and list all project personnel, along with their qualifications, that will be managing project services.


  • Detailed Work Plan

Provide a comprehensive plan outlining how you will achieve the project goal, including detailed steps the organization will take to complete the project. This plan should also include a detailed timeline and communication strategy you will implement to keep Wilson County informed.

  • References

The Bidder must provide three (3) references. It is preferred that the vendor have a minimum of five (5) years of experience in this field. The projects should be relevant and align with Wilson County Elevated Water Storage Tank project scope. Each reference should include client contact information, project description, scope, and outcome.


  • Firm Fixed Price: Cost Breakdown

The Bidder must provide a comprehensive list of all project costs including labor, materials, equipment, and all other project-related costs. To ensure the accuracy of costs, estimates must be dated no more than ninety (90) days prior to submission.


  • Safety Plan

Include safety plans that specifically focus on procedures and precautions while working with water systems.


  • Proof of Insurance

Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is required of the Bidder under the contract. Insurance coverage requirements vary based on contract value, as reflected in the North Carolina General Terms and Conditions for public contracts.


  • Contractor’s License

All prospective Contractors must be licensed in the State of North Carolina to perform the work specified in the Bid package. In addition to a general contractor’s license, Contractors will also need to possess a Specialty Contractor’s License for Coatings/Paintings.


To ensure project compliance with North Carolina State procurement laws and regulations, all architects and engineers preparing plans and specifications for this project must include a copy of Article § 87 15 of the North Carolina General Statutes in the specifications.


  • Evaluation Criteria

Responsive Bidders will be evaluated to determine and document which offer is the most advantageous to the County based on the terms and conditions and the lowest cost.

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