Insituform Technologies USA, LLC intends to bid as a prime contractor on the upcoming project titled “Portage INCIPP Sewer Rehabilitation.” We are seeking proposals from Certified Firms registered through the State of Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) to assist in the completion of this project. Insituform Technologies USA, LLC, an Azuria Company, is an Equal opportunity Employer.
We are glad to work with your firm in breaking down these bid items to assist in your ability to quote some of this work. If you need to obtain bonds, lines of credit or insurance as required, assistance is available. We are also available to assist with obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or any related services as needed.
If you wish to provide us with a quote, please note that they are due by Friday, February 14th at 9am EST. Please submit quotes to and
Please contact us for a link to the specs and plans for this project.
We would appreciate a quote from your firm. Please contact us with any questions regarding this project at 317-408-7136.